Leadership Training & Programs
We have a focus on providing leadership workshops and programs for sales leaders as this cohort of revenue focused leaders lead a different life than leaders of other functions. We also provide programs for emerging leaders, high potentials and also cover areas such as Growth Mindset, Influencing and Presentation Skills. We are proud to partner with Maxwell Leadership and HR Profiling Solutions for global leadership best practice skillset and toolsets. Contact us for pricing and program details.
Growth Mindset Leadership
Growth Mindset leadership has seen organisations such as Microsoft, P&G, ANZ Bank and many others transform from the top down. Growth Mindset leadership is a must for the challenging times and as organisations seek to thrive in changing times. This program can be delivered as 3 x 90 minute sessions or 1/2 day virtual or in person extended session. All attendees receive a copy of "It's All Possible" Rob Hartnett's book on Growth Mindset.
Habits of High Performing Sales Leaders Program
This multi-week program includes Extended DISC profile assessment, Combines online and Virtual sessions with learning from US leadership guru John Maxwell and a strong emphasis on applied learning covering goal setting, OKR's, strategy setting, funnel management and more with Rob Hartnett.
Influence with Impact
If you are leader and you cannot influence then your time as a leader is numbered. All effective leaders need to be able to influence with impact their peers, their people and their leaders. This is a 1/2 day virtual or in person workshop.
Developing the Leader Within
Developing the Leader Within is John Maxwell's signature program based on the book of the same name. The program is delivered by John online and has application sessions run over multiple weeks by Rob Hartnett a certified John Maxwell Leadership Facilitator and Coach.
High Potential Emerging Leaders Program
These program is typically an aspirational program for selected high potential future leaders in your organisation. Includes Extended DISC assessment and is run virtually or in person over a series of weekly 90 minute sessions
Candid Conversations
Having conversations that matter is part of a leaders role. Sometimes these are addressing issues. Other times they are providing praise. This training program is a 1/2 day Virtual or in person session covering the skills and easy to access guides that make these conversations easier to have for all concerned.